Gardening Tips > ‘How to’? Sow a New Lawn

‘How to’? Sow a New Lawn

Do you need to sow a new lawn or cover patches in your grass?

Read our step by step guide to getting the perfect green lawn ready for enjoying in the summer!

  • Prepare your soil site by clearing away any weeds and stones.
  • Dig over the soil, breaking up any clumps of earth.
  • Tread over the soil in different directions to firm it down.
  • Rake over the soil to make it level, you can also rake in a general purpose fertiliser at this stage (this is not essential).
  • Make sure to shake the box to mix up the seeds.
  • Sprinkle in 2 passes at right angles to each other, at a rate of 30g per m². If using a lawn spreader please use the appropriate setting.
  • Lightly rake into the surface.


TOP TIP – In cold weather, cover with horticultural fleece to keep the soil warm and aid germination. Soil needs to be at least 8°C in order for grass seed to germinate in the UK.



  • Water your lawn seed daily until established (usually 1-2 weeks).
  • When the grass is around 5-8cm long, mow for the first time on the highest setting. Make sure to only mow when the grass is dry.
  • After the first cut, feed occasionally with a suitable lawn feed.

If you would prefer to lay a turf lawn, read our helpful guide.

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