We strongly encourage you to get growing!

In these challenging times, we have seen both the physical and therapeutic benefits as well as the joy that gardening (and being outdoors) can bring to people’s lives. The processes of planting and nurturing plants give people a sense of purpose and once the plants are thriving, a sense of achievement too.


Photo by Terry Eaton Photography


We love encouraging people to get growing and so do the local charities and community groups that we are supporting this year. These charities/community groups have seen first-hand how individuals that are lonely, isolated, vulnerable or struggling in some way, can hugely benefit by being outdoors and working together on gardening or gardening-related projects.

Recently, our wonderful colleagues at Together We Grow and Abberton Rural Training, shared their thoughts on gardening and how it is a huge benefit to them. You can see all their wonderful photographs displayed around the Garden Centre.


Photo by Terry Eaton Photography

“Being outside reduces my stress levels and makes me feel relaxed.” Anna, Abberton Rural Training


Photo by Terry Eaton Photography

“Gardening makes me feel relaxed and allows me to be free with nature. It reduces my anxieties.” Daniel, Abberton Rural Training


Photo by Terry Eaton Photography

“I love the slower pace of life in the garden – the chance to stop, look and watch things grow.” Yvette, Abberton Rural Training


Photo by Terry Eaton Photography

“Gardening makes me feel happy and positive and gives me a real sense of satisfaction when completing a task.” Ben, Abberton Rural Training


Photo by Terry Eaton Photography

“Gardening makes me feel happy and motivated and gives me confidence.” Sean, Abberton Rural Training


“Every morning I wake up and I wanted to know if my seeds had become little plants and if my plants had flowers or fruit. It makes me forget other problems.” Azizulla, Together We Grow


“Gardening has given me such satisfaction and feelings of well-being… it has brought a whole new dimension to my life.” Dayani, Together We Grow


“We all benefit from contact with soil, growing things and sharing the outdoor world.” Elizabeth, Together We Grow


Photo by Terry Eaton Photography

“Gardening makes me feel relaxed and it gives me a real sense of achievement.” Mandy, Together We Grow


Photo by Terry Eaton Photography

“I love being closer to nature, soaking up the sounds and the atmosphere.” Paul, Abberton Rural Training


Photo by Terry Eaton Photography

“Gardening makes me feel happy. I like to be busy and productive. It’s a big part of my daily exercise.” Joe, Abberton Rural Training

If you need advice on starting a gardening project, why not join our Facebook group, ‘Grow with Perrywood in 2021’ or perhaps listen to some podcasts,  watch YouTube, or follow new or experienced gardeners on Instagram.

We encourage you to get growing and have fun!