Gardening Tips > April > ‘How to’? Grow Sweet Peas in Your Garden

‘How to’? Grow Sweet Peas in Your Garden

Sweet peas have been a favourite of UK gardeners for years due to their prolific flowering, bright colours, and sweet scent.

Sweet peas can be grown from seed, but do need to be sown by the end of April. An easier option is to buy the plants and put them directly into where you want them. They grow equally well in pots or flower beds. We have Perrywood Grown sweet peas available in store.

Here are our top tips for making the most of your sweet peas:

  • Cut off dead flowers, to encourage the new flowers to bud
  • Keep regularly watered, especially in hot weather, but avoid watering in the hottest part of the day. If you want to minimise watering you can plant directly into your flower beds or plant in a larger pot which can hold more water (self-watering planters also work well)
  • Feed with a multi-purpose flower feed like Miracle Gro every 2-4 weeks
  • It’s far easier to put up climbing supports when the plants first go in, rather than waiting until they are desperate for support. You may have to tie the shoots to the support at first to encourage them to cling
  • Flowers will appear from late May to early June – picking flowers will encourage more flowers so you can enjoy them inside and out!
  • Plant next to seating areas or by the back door so you can enjoy the delicious scent as you sit and relax!
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